AccurioPress 6120
- Prvotriedna produktivita až 7 490 strán A4 za hodinu
- Automatické nastavenie denzity a registrácie
- Viaceré možnosti dokončovania od cenovo efektívnych po profesionálne
- Vysokorýchlostný farebný skener
- Úplná podpora OpenAPI a IWS
AccurioPress 6120
In the fast-growing, digital high-volume print market, in-house printers and graphic communications providers have to focus on building up their business by producing a wider range of high-volume jobs more efficiently. For that, they need the best performance available in the market: The AccurioPress 6136 series comprises three models, the fastest of which provides a maximum speed of 7,490 A4 pages per hour. Latest technologies guarantee maximum uptime and outstanding black and white print quality. The superior product outline impresses with a comprehensive range of inline finishing options.